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CLIENT: University of Michigan Hillel

ROLE: Motion Graphic Design

SPECS: 1:16, video

Michigan Hillel Year in Review

Michigan Hillel plays a pivotal role in nurturing the Jewish community at the University of Michigan and the greater Ann Arbor area. My task was to visually articulate the year's successes through a video presentation that would highlight and celebrate the organization's considerable impact.


With a solid understanding of the importance of community and shared achievements, I spearheaded the project with a clear vision. The design strategy entailed showcasing Michigan Hillel's contributions and milestones by leveraging data-driven storytelling, enhanced by supportive visual elements such as custom-designed icons and engaging motion graphics.


To underpin the narrative of progress and celebration, the video was structured around a robust collection of information that detailed Michigan Hillel's offerings and support services. Facts and figures about the organization's initiatives took center stage, allowing the accomplishments to resonate with the viewers.

Interspersed with the energetic graphics were photographs from community events, which showcased the vibrant life and joy within the organization. These images served as a testament to the real-world impact of Michigan Hillel, illustrating how data points translate into tangible, human experiences.


The final video emerged as an energetic and informative celebration of Michigan Hillel’s achievements. Serving as a testament to the organization's vitality and influence, it affirmed the value of the community's collective journey and reinforced the bond shared by its members.


This video project stands as a vibrant example of how graphic design, when melded with motion and visual storytelling, can convey a powerful message of community, achievement, and celebration. It showcases my ability to transform information into compelling narratives that not only communicate facts but also celebrate the human spirit, connection, and the essence of an organization like Michigan Hillel.

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